The power of this work comes from your willingness to own your own Shadow patterns and your ability to envision your life at its highest frequency. Each Gene Key and its line is a touchstone for a process of inner transformation, therefore it is not necessary to be too fixated on the system itself. The Gene Keys are neither astrology nor are they a traditional profiling system. If there is a difference, then you can read and contemplate the information given in the Golden Path Program and the Gene Keys book and trust your intuition to find the best fit for you. It shows you the archetypal patterns that block the natural manifestation of your Genius (Shadows), and how to transform these patterns into your Gifts. Then compare the Profile report (especially looking at the Gene Key numbers) and see if there is any difference. Your Hologenetic Profile is a personalised map of your inner being. If in doubt, you can do several Profiles and try a range of times (e.g., early in the morning and late in the evening). It depends on whether you were born on or near a changing cusp. Your time of birth may not always have much effect on your Gene Keys Profile. We suggest starting with noon (12:00 PM).